NW Groundwork recently completed the ongoing work at the DHL hub in Northamptonshire.

Following the company's work on the bank reprofiling, they were requested to proceed with phase two of the work, installing drainage and landscaping the area.
NW Groundwork were praised for their work throughout the project:
"NW Groundwork are a pleasure to work with and your exemplary attitude to safety, tidiness and commitment to every task has an underlying effect and influence on all that are on the site," commented Andy Cato, working on behalf of John Sisk & Sons on the project. "NWG should also be commended for all your spotlessly clean equipment that never broke down. As well as having a piece of equipment for every task. And if you do not have the equipment you will go and invest into getting it!
"Thank you and your team at NWG for your efforts and endeavours for John Sisk and Sons at DHL. The project was challenging at times and pushed us all to work together to overcome all that was put in front of us. This was made all the easier with NWG's attitude to getting all accomplished that was put in front of you, working collaboratively with other contractors on site."